2024.4.11 Release.

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new products.
Full tanning tanned Japanese calfskin Burning dyed - product burning dyed ROYAL BLUE series is now in stock.
The new color ROYAL BLUE is an elegant blend of purple and bright blue.
Burning dyed blue tends to have a greater variation in color over time, and is recommended for those who are looking for a unique piece of clothing.
From today, FLAGSHIP SHOP FLAGSHIP SHOP FLAGSHIP SHOP FLAGSHIP SHOP Dealers nationwide and dealers nationwide.
STL082 series
New color ROYAL BLUE
ROYAL BLUE is a new color from that blends purple and bright blue to create an elegant finish.
The blue color of Burning dyed tends to be darker than other colors, so we recommend this color for those who want to enjoy their own unique change over time.
The material is tanning-tanned calf leather in Japan. With a newly created base material, suppleness and chewy touch. and a chewy feel. The unique calf tiger pattern and and fine texture and fine-grained.
Although it is full tannin, it is easy to blend in, and in a short period of time, it will become more soft and shiny, and as it is worn, the shading will become more pronounced, and the taste and texture will increase.
Leather Model ID : SPEEDER
SPEEDER is an impressive model with diagonal pockets on the chest and left arm, and the back grafting.
It is the most popular among several leather models.
Leather Model ID : RAVEN
RAVEN is a standard model of double riders with impressive double zipper and gussets on the sides to increase the range of motion.
Leather Model ID : BIRD MAN
BIRD MAN is a double riders jacket with a unique part on the collar, giving you a wide range of ways to wear it: double, with the collar closed and the collar down, or with the collar up and the snaps fastened at the high neck.
FLAGSHIP SHOP FLAGSHIP SHOP Directly-managed online store Dealers Dealers nationwide and dealers nationwide.
Please check it out.