Leather vest "KICKS", an item that can be used in any season

Leather vest "KICKS", an item that can be used in any season

In spring, the season's turning point, the weather changes daily and the temperature fluctuates widely, so it is easy to have trouble coordinating your outfits. Leather vests are convenient to have at such times of the year.

In this issue, we introduce the best suede vest "KICKS" (Kicks ) coordinates for this time of year!

Coordination 1: Leather vests are a must for coordination that avoids mass production and subversion of individuality!

A short-sleeved white shirt and blue jeans, a staple of men's spring and summer coordination, are a great combination for creating a fresh and clean impression.
However, because of the simplicity of the outfit, it tends to fall into mass production and lack of individuality. That's when you want to usesuede vest "KICKS" in your coordination.

The first point is that
the first point is thatsuede vest "KICKS"and jeans also have a wide-leg, loose-fitting size.
Wearing the royal items in a slightly loose-fitting style is a seasonal look.

The second point is to wear suede vest "KICKS" with a T-shirt and jeans. The tailored design elevates a casual coordinate to a classy, mature look.

For the feet, we dare to wear sneakers to create a sense of comfort.

Coordination 2: Black coordinates in spring and summer are best worn without looking too formal.

Black coordination is now well established as a standard for stylish and modish styling.
However, be wary of the sense of kimeki-ness that one tone of black can create in the rough atmosphere of spring and summer.
Therefore, it is important to dress in a way that does not give the impression of being too formal, and the key to being fashionable is to have a good sense of looseness, looseness, and a touch of "hazing.

The key this time is size.
The silhouette should not be a tight fit that emphasizes the lines of the body, but rather loose, oversized, wide, or baggy silhouettes. The silhouette of the moment is to create a tamari at the hem to create a silhouette with movement.

The T-shirt worn as an inner layer with the suede vest "KICKS" is also chosen for its relaxed feel, creating an overall relaxed look.

Sunglasses are a staple item for summer. Although people tend to focus on the color and design of the frames, the color of the lenses is also important in creating a summer coordinate.
By choosing sunglasses with blue lenses for an all-black outfit, the color of the lenses adds a refreshing touch of color and completes the look.

Extra: Suede ON suede

The " leather-on-leather " technique is often heard of in autumn and winter strummers, but a technique one rank higher than that is "suede-on-suede" as shown in this coordination.

While leather shirts are often worn with outer leather riders, the suede vest "KICKS" released this season is a tailored version that goes great with the same calf suede shirt "SCARS"!
If you want to stand out from the crowd, I highly recommend it.

Enjoy Fashion!

Model: 178cm/60kg



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